Production of fine mechanics parts

Machining engraving and milling by CNC machine


Was founded in 1999, by Itzik Sustiel

A.SUSTIEL LTD. Company was founded in 1999, by Itzik Sustiel. The main field of the company’s activity, is the production of precise mechanic parts using a range of different computerized CNC machines.


Production of products with a precise level of finish and the highest quality in the industry


Consulting and providing technical solutions from the initial planning stage until receiving the final product


Full support of engineers in the field of machinery and industrial management with rich experience.

Our solutions

The company provides machining services for many industries, with the help of advanced technologies we can produce parts with a high level of precision according to a drawing and customer requirements, flexibility in performing work in large and small quantities as well as the production of models and prototypes, thus providing finished parts that include coating and assemblies according to the customer’s requirements.

  • Electronics
  • Optics
  • Laser industry
  • Medical industry
  • Transmission and reception
  • Car and transportation
  • Food industry
  • pre-print

What sets us apart?

The precision and quality in CNC engraving and milling machining

The company has the ability to produce parts at the highest level according to drawings, customer requirements, flexibility in performing work in different quantities, production of models and prototypes.

11Different Industries
25Years Of Experience
100+Different Solutions
5CNC Cachining Centers

frequently asked questions

What is chip processing?

Industrial projects in which material is removed from a large block of raw material make it possible to create some new object, but without giving up its original properties. A machining plant provides various services and centralizes them under one roof.

What are the benefits of chip processing

The biggest advantage of engraving, milling, grinding or other methods that allow material to be removed from a block of raw material is the preservation of its original properties. Unlike plastic processing for example, which is based on deformation only, here the basket of possibilities is much wider.

Another advantage is reflected in precision, the machines that exist today are based on the use of computers, which allow a combination between automation and an optimal level of accuracy. This way you save on expenses without compromising on performance and work according to the original specification that comes from the client.

What is CNC?

המונח CNC נשמע מורכב אך הוא יחסית פשוט. בפועל, מדובר על תיאור של בקר ממוחשב שמטרתו להחליף את הבקר האנושי. עבודה עם CNC משנה כאמור בצורה מאוד משמעותית את האופן שבו מבצעים עיבוד שבבי על סוגים שונים של חומרי גלם. בעזרת כרסום CNC לדוגמא ניתן לחסוך בעלויות העסקת כוח אדם, אבל בלי להתפשר על התוצאה הסופית.